The DON’Ts of Visiting the USA: Essential Tips for First-Time Travelers


Hey there, fellow travelers!  Today, we’re diving into the DON’Ts of visiting the USA. Wherever you travel, there are things you should do and things you should avoid. Here are some key tips for ensuring a smooth and enjoyable trip to the USA.

Respect personal space - Learn about cultural norms and personal space in the USA to avoid discomfort.

Don’t Touch the Americans

Americans value their personal space. Imagine a bubble around them—invading this space can make them very uncomfortable. Unlike countries where people are more physically affectionate, in the USA, maintaining a respectful distance is key.

Don’t Count on Public Transportation

While cities like New York and Chicago have reliable public transportation, many smaller towns and cities do not. Renting a car is often necessary for getting around, especially in rural areas. Public transportation in some areas may also be unsafe at night, so plan accordingly.

Don’t Underestimate the Size of the USA

The USA is enormous, comparable to continental Europe. Planning to drive from New York to Miami and then to LA in two weeks is unrealistic. Focus on exploring one region to truly experience its culture and avoid spending your entire trip in a car.

Don’t Assume the Sticker Price is the Final Price

In the USA, sales tax is added at the register, varying by city and state. That $1 menu item could cost $1.08 or more, depending on the location. Additionally, tipping is customary in restaurants—15-20% for sit-down service. Be prepared for these extra costs.

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Don’t Skip Tipping

Tipping is an integral part of American culture, especially in sit-down restaurants and bars. Servers often rely on tips as part of their income. Failing to tip appropriately can be seen as rude, so always add 15-20% to your bill.

Don’t Be Surprised by Over-the-Top Service

Due to the tipping culture, service in the USA can be very attentive and sometimes over-the-top. This includes free items like bread or chips and salsa at restaurants. Enjoy the hospitality—it’s part of the experience.

Navigate the USA effectively - Understand the limitations of public transportation and consider renting a car.

Don’t Smoke Cigarettes in Public Spaces

Smoking is heavily frowned upon in the USA, with strict laws about where you can smoke. Most restaurants, hotels, and public spaces are smoke-free, and you may need to go far from entrances to light up.

Don’t Try to Buy Alcohol or Cigarettes Without ID

You must be 21 to buy alcohol and 18 to buy cigarettes in the USA. Always carry your ID, as you will be asked to show it, especially if you look under 40.

Don’t Bother with the Metric System

The USA uses the Imperial system—miles, feet, gallons, and pounds. Be prepared to convert measurements, as locals will use these terms exclusively.

Don’t Talk Politics or Gun Control

Avoid discussing politics and gun control. These topics can lead to heated debates. Stick to neutral topics like the weather or your travel experiences to keep conversations light and friendly.

Don’t Assume All Americans Are the Same

The USA is diverse, with regional differences in culture, food, and attitudes. Exploring different regions can give you a broader understanding of the country’s variety.

Don’t Assume There’s No Culture

The USA boasts rich cultural experiences. From New Orleans’ vibrant music scene to New York’s world-class museums, there’s a lot to explore. Each region has its own unique history and traditions.

Tipping etiquette in the USA - Essential tips for understanding tipping culture and avoiding social faux pas.

Don’t Think “How Are You?” Is an Actual Question

When Americans ask, “How are you?” it’s often a greeting rather than a genuine inquiry. A simple “Good, thanks!” is an appropriate response.

Don’t Expect Better Service at Fancy Hotels

Ironically, higher-end hotels in the USA often charge extra for amenities like Wi-Fi and breakfast, which budget hotels provide for free. Research and choose accommodations wisely.

Don’t Skip Local Food

Each region in the USA offers unique and delicious local cuisine. From New England’s clam chowder to Southern barbecue, trying local food is a must. Ask locals for restaurant recommendations to find the best spots.

Don’t Get Sick Without Insurance

Healthcare in the USA is expensive. Ensure you have travel insurance that covers medical expenses. In case of an emergency, this can save you from hefty bills.

Don’t Think the USA Has 52 States

The USA has 50 states—48 on the mainland plus Alaska and Hawaii. Clarifying this can avoid confusion and potential embarrassment.

These tips will help you navigate and enjoy your trip to the USA. Have any other DON’Ts to add? Share in the comments below! Safe travels and enjoy your American adventure.


Visiting the USA for the first time can be a thrilling experience, but there are several cultural nuances and practical tips to keep in mind.

Understanding personal space norms, navigating public transportation, and mastering tipping etiquette are crucial.

Additionally, respecting local customs and being aware of regional differences can enhance your travel experience.

By avoiding common mistakes and embracing these guidelines, you’ll ensure a smoother, more enjoyable trip across the diverse landscapes of the United States. For more detailed advice, visit the full guide on Wanderlust Explorer.